White, K. R., Burmeister, N., Elliott, R., Weber, L., Whalen, N., & Sprader, C. (2017). Empowering teachers through problem solving. Teaching Children Mathematics.
White, K. R. (2014). Community, forgiveness, and the golden rule: The impact of teachers’ religious identities on classroom management structures. Religion and Education, 41(1).
White, K. R. (2013). Integrating religion into multicultural education. In M. Waggoner (Ed.). Religion in the schools: Negotiating the new commons. Lanham, Maryland: Rowan & Littlefield Publishers.
White, K. R. (2010). Asking sacred questions: Understanding religion’s impact on teacher belief and action. Religion and Education, 37(1), 40-59.
White, K. R. (2009). Using pre-service teacher emotion to encourage critical engagement with diversity. Studying Teacher Education, 5, 5-20.
White, K. R. (2009). Connecting religion and teacher identity: The unexplored relationship between religion and teachers in public schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25, 857-866.
White, K. R. (May, 2017). Persevering for problem solving: Teaching to promote mathematical reasoning. Presentation at the Wisconsin Math Council’s (WMC) Annual Meeting, Green Lake, WI.
Kramer, K., Hodges, A., White, K., & Kretchmar, K. (April, 2017). Theory to practice to reality: Assimilation or transformation? Presentation at the 2017 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting.
Kramer, K., Kretchmar, K., Hofkamp, K. White, K., & Ward, A. (March, 2017). Inclusive teacher residency program: Navigating challenges through conversations and critical friends. Accepted for presentation at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Annual Meeting.
White, K.R. & Rosin, N. (2016). Elementary mathematics specialists for teaching, learning, and leading. Presentation at the Wisconsin Math Council’s (WMC) Annual Meeting, Green Lake, WI.
Stickles, R., White, E., & White, K. R. (2015). Reframing guiding principles for teacher education. Paper presented at the 2015 AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Stickles, R., White, E., & White, K. R. (2014). Reframing guiding principles for teacher education. Paper presented at the Association of Teacher Educators Summer Conference, Niagra Falls, NY.
White, E., Stickles, R., & White, K. R. (2014). Guiding dispositions: Promoting teacher candidates’ educational transformation. Roundtable presentation at the Association of Teacher Educators Summer Conference, Niagra Falls, NY.
Danielson, M. L., Kramer, K., & White, K. R. (2014). From conflict to complement: Embedding standards reform in constructivist learning. Paper presented at the 2014 AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Rosin, N. & White, K.R. (2014). Integrating problem solving into math workshop. Presentation at the 2014 NCTM Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
White, K. R. (2013, April). Missionary zeal: Friend or foe to teaching for social justice? Paper presented at the 2013 American Educational Research Association Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
White, K. R. (2012, April). Transforming thinking: Moving preservice teachers from deficit thinking towards an asset approach through service learning. Paper presented at the 2012 American Educational Research Association Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
White, K. R. (2011, November). Doing culture in ways that enhance students’ understanding of power and privilege. Interactive faculty presentation, Carroll University, Waukesha, WI.
White, K. R. (2011, November). Beyond the golden rule: Using the platinum rule to promote equitable management structures in classrooms. Interactive workshop presented at the 2011 National Association of Multicultural Education Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
White, K. R. (2011, April). Sacred sensibilities: Religious framing of teacher candidate dispositions. Paper presented at the 2011 American Educational Research Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
White, K. R. (2010, August). Culture and the curriculum. Panel Discussion, Carroll University, Waukesha, WI.
White, K. R. (2010, April). The impact of religion on preservice teacher learning. Paper presented at the 2010 American Educational Research Association Meeting, Denver, CO.